Sunday, November 7, 2010

9-1 Students Group Joining

Plz Dear Students of 9-1
Make sure that the students their names listed below (accept the group invitaion)

very important
سلمى محمد سالم محمد الكعبي
شمة سعيد سلطان محمد معيوف العامري
شيخة سعيد حارب سعيد راشد الخاطري
شيخة سعيد علي عمير الشرياني
فاطمه محمد احمد محمد الصايغ الجابري
نجود سالم عبيد صبيح عبدالله الكعبي
نوف سعيد حمـد محمد العيسائي
any problem, please email me on

the rest of the class are already with me in the group, check the SHARED DOCUMENTS Folder always

I love this class but they werent as i expected them to be.

I hope next classes you will be better.

Don't forget your how work of 10 words that express short and long a

My 9/2 Students,

Thanks for supporting Ms. Maitha today in the class she appreciated it

I am very proud of you all and your beautifully made Posters

Tell me what do you think of the class and please wish me luck in my mid term exam tomorrow

Alia Fares Hattab Al Dhahery